Over 40,000 pairs distributed for FREE

We collect reusable sneakers and distribute to people for FREE so they can play, participate and reach their potential
Over 40,000 pairs distributed for FREE
We collect reusable sneakers and distribute to people for FREE so they can play, participate and reach their potential
Maia (Ngāi Tai ki Tōrere, Ngāti Koata, Ngāti Hāmoa) was only 12 (2017) when she developed the idea for Lazy Sneakers. What started as a simple concept has grown to a national movement which now provide sneakers for children, student athletes, families, sports clubs and social services all over New Zealand.
In 2017, Maia observed that some of her peers could not participate in sports because they didn’t have the appropriate footwear or the shoes they were wearing were worn out! So she launched a project to free up unused sneakers. Lazy Sneakers was launched in January 2018. Lazy Sneakers describes inactive sneakers that you may have at home or work doing nothing hence the term "Lazy".
Lazy Sneakers is a sneaker bank project collecting reusable and new sneakers from the community and then distributing these sneakers for FREE so people can play, participate and reach their potential. Its objective is to reduce the burden of Material Hardship for families and encourage children and young people to play, participate and reach their potential.
Material Hardship is when families struggle to have access to the basic essentials to survive and thrive. Some of these essentials include having enough to eat, warm clothes, keeping warm and a decent pair of shoes which lead to an experience of inequality and inequities. The issue of material hardship is huge and there is no quick fix. However, LazySneakers is trying to do their part to reduce the financial burden of families by providing access to a pair of lazy sneakers that need reactivating.
There are so many ways to support LazySneakers. Every little bit helps! You can get involved by either donating your lazy sneakers and 'pass it forward', collaborate on a call to action, create a campaign that works for your context, promote the LazySneakers kaupapa by spreading the word through your networks (social media, work and community) or support with distribution efforts. We are open to ideas. Contact us (scroll down for details) to find out how you can contribute and support the growth of the LazySneaker movement.
If you have a spare pair, please forward onto a person who you have identified might need a pair. It does not have to go through a LazySneaker collection site. It cuts out the go between.
There will be a range of partners you can tag team with, these are NGOs, charities, recreation centres, schools and sports clubs you can directly donate to. Just check with them first.
At LazySneakers, we have a range of people who have volunteered to help with pick up's so just reach out. Alternatively, you can send sneakers to LazySneakers HQ in Whakatane. Again, just reach out for details.
//053 Maia Mariner - Nuku Woman
“A breath of fresh air in the current throw - away culture of the 21st century.” - Sneaker Freaker
There are so many ways to support Lazy Sneakers. Contact us to find out how you can contribute and support the Lazy Sneaker movement.
Whakatane, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
Copyright © 2018 Lazy Sneakers - All Rights Reserved.